
I was going into the realms of uber stylized with Fabien, and I reached a point... ala first image, where I thought.. no. I like cartoons, but this is not working for me anymore.
So I'm trying again.
The plot for his story changes so much, at first I had snippets of a fairytale sort of thing... but no, its going to roll loosely like this.
Fabien looooves old people, in particular old men. He's a strange creature, 300 years old... perfectly senile, but also still a creepy giant feral child. He likes the very young, because they are prone to misfortune, and the very old... same reason.
He's going to be following this man, I haven't invented him yet... this lonely widower I guess, who sits in Parisian café's a whole lot. Fabien watches him, creates soft, beautiful havoc... and also triggers other unlucky troubles which will likely happen in small areas of each image. He's a bad omen, he can't help it.
Because he's... utterly bonkers, he has a lot of strange lapses in memory, he flips back to his grisly Revolutionary past a lot. Good, because in those scenes I establish his history, but without having to meticulous show it in length. It'll be like.... a day in his life, I guess.